Disruptive Dudes

Industry - Education


Disruptive Dudes is an organization with a team of skilled editors and proofreaders who work on writing and content creation. They use tools like Trello, Slack and Google Docs to communicate with their clients and writers. Although Disruptive Dudes has established a brand image in the market because of its quality services but to expand their customer base they wanted to build an online platform that will allow users to submit their content for review and suggestions.

How does CGT Contribute to Disruptive Dude's Idea of Online Platform?

When Disruptive Dudes approach us for our app development services, our experts get aligned with the client and bring innovative ideas to the table. Disruptive Dudes want us to work on the design and development of the application. We were given a task to create and construct a minimally viable product (MVP) for Reciprocity and a platform to cater to user needs for online editing and proofreading. To meet our client demands, we used the following technologies:

  • Nginx
  • MariaDB
  • PHP7
  • JavaScript
  • Yii2 Framework
  • Amazon S3
  • Stripe


We had to develop a robust infrastructure to handle a large number of user requests while integrating features that align with users’ preferences and demands. Moreover, we had to ensure adaptability and compatibility across different screen sizes and resolutions. We developed algorithms to analyze text while maintaining challenging formats, especially when dealing with external files.


We followed a user-centric design approach to ensure the app meets user needs and demands. We implemented responsive design techniques to make sure the app is compatible with various devices and screen resolutions. We consider all design elements like screen readers, keyboard navigation and color contrast to ensure an incredible user experience. Our designers and developers work closely together to assure meeting accessibility standards and integrating valuable features and functionalities. We further implemented best coding practices to optimize performance and app responsiveness.

1 User-Friendly Interface

Our experts design a user-friendly interface so users can easily navigate throughout the application. We categorized related features together to assist users in finding their desired tool. We further used visual cues to navigate users and to enhance user experience. Our designers develop an organized layout with proper headings and features to assure user satisfaction.

2 Engaging Content Features

To give our client a competitive edge in the marketplace, we incorporated the following features:

  • Style and Writing Suggestions
  • Vocabulary Enhancement
  • Customization and Personalization
  • In-Depth Feedback
  • API Integration
  • Real-Time Collaboration


We integrated multiple features and algorithms to assure we meet writing standards. We incorporated two translators, the professional translator alters and adapts the text according to the target audience. The second translator examines the text for errors during proofreading and editing. Moreover, we assure the message was maintained throughout the translation which gives Disruptive Dudes a unique selling point in terms of other competitors.

The accurate results led Disruptive Dudes to achieve popularity in the digital market. The app was downloaded by millions of users on iOS and Android Play Store. Through this mobile application, Disruptive Dudes expanded their business by reaching out to potential customers who were actively looking for professional proofreading and editing services.

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